On Saturday I nipped into town to visit the Museum, there were a couple of exhibitions I wanted to see and a couple I thought I ought to see while they were in Leicester. The Leicestershire Photographic Society have their 125th Exhibition on at the moment. Call me old fashioned but shouldn't good photography be just that, good photography? There were some lovely compositions but the images were so digitally edited they were awful. I'm not averse to the odd touch up here and there, heaven knows I need it, but to completely change the atmosphere of a beautiful image defeats the point for me.
The Meri Rail Portraits are still on so I thought I'd better have a look at them. I got bored. There are only so many photos of Char Wallahs I can look at in one day and there were two rooms full of them. I skipped the second room.
I really did enjoy The Contemporary Art Society - Gifts of Art. There are some really interesting pieces in the exhibition including a beautiful John Piper as well as works by Victor Passmore and Bridget Riley. We usually have to go to London to see work like this, there should be more of it exhibited in Leicester instead of it being stored away. The works in the Permanent Gallery are rarely changed - lets have a bit of variety please.
Jenny Grevatte has a bit of a retrospective going on at the moment, some of her work is in the Museum and some at the Attenborough Centre. I loved the pieces in the Museum, particularly the Tree paintings. I thought they were really inspiring. I wish I could paint like that - but she has been doing it a lot longer than me... I haven't been to the Attenborough Centre yet, will probably go this week. Jenny teaches at the Centre and has included student sketchbook pages in the exhibition which I think will be interesting to see.
I quite fancy starting a sketchbook that has nothing to do with Uni work, but don't think I have the motivation. The trouble is I'm only truly interested in creating work based on memory, which is what I do at Uni, but sometimes I'd like to make something pretty, although I don't like it when I'm doing it as we saw from the earlier printing episode! Maybe I will start a memory sketchbook instead.