Fine Artist

It's all about making
...with a bit of other stuff thrown in.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Not blogged for ages...

I'm off work for two weeks - yaaaaay.  So I'm going to clear all the crap thats been thrown into my spare room come studio, buy a canvas and PAINT.  It's been way too long and I may have forgotten how to do it, but I'm really looking forward to it.  I doubt it will be anything deep and meaningful but it will be nice to be immersed in beautiful colours again.  I've got a mechanical thing going on at the mo so we'll see how it turns out - hours of frustration no doubt...

Monday, 21 March 2011

It's been a while

Ages since I last did this, and although this isn't really about art, I thought it was time for an update.  Life has taken over again and I have been enjoying mindless crap, a new job and stuff that I'm not going to bore everyone with here.

I gave up on the Textiles A level - no time and lack of motivation.  Looking forward to starting the History of Art Degree in October though, before I go completely brain dead.

Did a bit of drawing at the weekend.  Nothing of any importance, but it was good to actually do something creative.  Will put pics up when I get a mo.  Funny how you don't think you miss it till you start doing it again.  It just feels right.  Must make the effort to do more.